
Showing posts from March, 2023

My Long and Winding Road to Publication

I started writing my first book a few years after graduating from college, so a very long time ago now. I won't bore you with numbers. Ha! I don’t quite remember the plot of that first "book" now, probably because it was so long ago. I think I had maybe three chapters written altogether before I got stuck. I couldn’t come up with anything more to write. The challenge was more daunting than I had anticipated when I made the goal of writing an entire full-length novel, and I ultimately set it aside altogether. As the next decade passed, I worked and then started a family. I focused most of my time and energy on being a mother, volunteering at school, driving to-and-from kid-based activities, and doing a few part-time jobs. All the while, I read. I plowed through every book I could get my hands on, not really caring about the genre. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was subconsciously studying the writing, the plots, the character development, etc. Eventually, I f